The Upcycled Art Series…

skateboard art, japanease

There are numerous artists whose work of art is inspirational and people spend hours in art galleries to analyze and admire their paintings and sculptures. We do the same thing, just that we particularly appreciate artists like Haroshi, from Japan, who create artwork from discarded materials. Haroshi’s passion to upcycle discarded skateboards into intricate work of art emerged from his infatuation for skateboards in his early teens.

The work of art speaks for itself, the complex, yet immaculate finish has left us in awe. If more artists emerge like him, who can convert waste into the extraordinary, the world will become a more beautiful place, aesthetically and environmentally.

What do you feel?

The Upcycled Wrapping Paper Story continued…

Red wrapping paperOur vibrant upcycled gift wrapping papers come in varied colors and block prints. Who would’ve thought that discarded newspapers can be brought to life once again, and for no other reason than to wrap the gifts that are given from the heart.

Made with passion to enhance the dignity of life for the downtrodden, giving hope to those with no hope. Being that ray of life through The White Light.

Humor in life.

Valentine3bThis beautiful creation of a box, a work of art, is dedicated to all those people who are simply tired of receiving random friend requests from unknown people. They will stalk you and be there, sending you requests again and again that at times you begin to feel that you might just know them from somewhere. The stand still remains, who the hell are you though.

View details of the box at  the Love and Sunshine Box

True love is all around

Valentine4Who says we need to go looking for love. Look around you, it’s everywhere. Love is in the trees, the flowers, the birds and the songs that they sing. Inspired by nature’s love, we hand-painted yet another box in our ongoing series of celebrating love in its purest form.

View details of the box at The Love Tree.

Look what we upcycled. Do you like it?

Starbucks bottle upcycled

A new look to the used cold coffee bottles, and a new job for it.

We like to re-create and we like to re-design. What most people would throw away, we give it another life (well, we do try). Instead of those empty glass bottles reaching the garbage landfill straight away, once we’re done with our delicious cold coffee, we extend their life further by giving it another job to do. Of course mother Earth’s job reduces just a little bit in the process, which we feel good about. Weekend art activity you may call it, or probably our contribution which we do very joyfully indeed! 🙂