Look what we upcycled. Do you like it?

Starbucks bottle upcycled

A new look to the used cold coffee bottles, and a new job for it.

We like to re-create and we like to re-design. What most people would throw away, we give it another life (well, we do try). Instead of those empty glass bottles reaching the garbage landfill straight away, once we’re done with our delicious cold coffee, we extend their life further by giving it another job to do. Of course mother Earth’s job reduces just a little bit in the process, which we feel good about. Weekend art activity you may call it, or probably our contribution which we do very joyfully indeed! 🙂

2 thoughts on “Look what we upcycled. Do you like it?

  1. pandamu October 20, 2014 / 3:25 am

    Fantastic work! If everyone can contribute their creativity, there will be less pollution and more amazing upcycling work!
    Our campaign (http://alittlesparkleinlife.wordpress.com/) also aims to raise the awareness of recycling in a more fun way amongst young people today, and hoping to encourage more creative activity:)


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